The Best Choice for Community Interaction

Discuz Forum

Discuz Forum is a powerful and flexible community interaction platform that provides rich social interaction and content exchange methods for websites. Its powerful functions and superior performance have won high praise and widespread use from website managers and netizens.

The Best Choice for Community Interaction

Product Features

Product Features

Discussion Forum Function 01

The core function of Discuz Forum is the discussion forum, where users can post, reply, quote, edit and delete posts in different sections. You can set the permissions, posting restrictions, sticky posts, and featured posts for each section to make your forum more suitable for your needs.

User Management Function 02

Discuz Forum provides comprehensive user management functions, including registration, login, password retrieval, user groups, points, signatures, avatars, medals, etc. You can manage and maintain your users by setting user group permissions, point strategies, etc.

Points and Medals Function 03

Discuz Forum has a point and medal system, where users can earn corresponding points and medals for their posting, replying, signing in, and other behaviors in the forum, thereby encouraging users to actively participate in community interaction.

Online Live Streaming Function 04

Discuz Forum provides online live streaming functions, where you can host online courses, live lectures, and other activities in the forum to attract more users to participate and pay attention.

Space Album Function 05

Discuz Forum also provides a space album function, where users can upload photos and videos to share their life and experiences with friends.

Short Message and Email Notification Function 06

Discuz Forum can send short messages and email notifications to remind your users of new messages in a timely manner.

WeChat Public Account Interaction 07

Discuz Forum seamlessly integrates with WeChat public accounts, where you can interact with the community through WeChat public accounts and achieve more convenient community management and interaction.

Product Advantages and Value

Enhanced Community Engagement

Discuz Forum facilitates interaction and engagement, helping to build vibrant, active online communities.

Increased Customer Loyalty

By providing a platform for users to communicate and engage, businesses can foster a sense of loyalty among their community members.

Valuable User Insights

Through active discussions and interactions, businesses can gain valuable insights into the preferences and needs of their user base.

Diversified expansion

Discuz forum offers rich plugins and template mechanisms for easy customization and expansion of your own forum, achieving more diversified community interaction.

Our Services

UX/UI Design

UX/UI Design

We can design and develop Discuz forum interface according to your needs, including style, layout, color customization, etc.

Forum Implementation

Forum Implementation

We provide end-to-end services for Discuz Forum implementation, right from installation, configuration to launching. Our team ensures a hassle-free setup process, helping you establish a robust online community platform swiftly and efficiently.

Integration customization

Integration customization

We can integrate Discuz forum with other systems according to your needs, such as payment systems, social media, third-party login, etc., to achieve a more convenient user experience.

Support and Maintenance

Support and Maintenance

We provide ongoing support and maintenance services to keep your Discuz Forum running smoothly and effectively.

Custom plugin development

Custom plugin development

We can develop customized Discuz forum plugins according to your needs to expand the functionality and application scope of the forum.

SEO Optimization

SEO Optimization

We can optimize the SEO of your Discuz forum to enhance its visibility on search engines, increasing organic traffic and making your forum more discoverable to users who are searching for relevant topics.